
Consider A+…

The A+ student

  • Attends an A+ School for two years prior to graduation.
  • Graduates from an A+ school with an un-weighted cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Maintains a 95% attendance record in Grades 9-12.*
  • Perform and document fifty (50) hours of unpaid tutoring/mentoring coordinated through the A+ office:
  • a. 25 hours (50%) must be connected to the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District and supervised by a District employee.
    b. 12.5 hours (25%) may come from tutoring/mentoring opportunities outside of the district, but approval MUST be obtained from the A+ office PRIOR to completing the hours. Hours completed without proper prior approval will NOT be counted.
    c. 12.5 hours (25%) may be earned through job shadowing that is arranged by the student. Approval must be obtained prior to job shadowing.

  • Maintains a record of good citizenship and avoids the use of alcohol and unlawful drugs.
  • Apply for non-payback scholarships by completing a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
  • Scores Proficient or or Advanced on the state level Algebra I EOC Exam or or meet one of the qualifying scores on the math portion of the ACT Exam or PreACT Exam.
  • ACT math Sub-Score 17 and 2.5 or greater GPA
    ACT math Sub-Score 16 and 2.8 or greater GPA
    ACT math Sub-Score 15 and 3.0 or greater GPA

* Attendance appeals are possible for students with attendance lower than 95%, contact the A+ office for details.


  • To enroll, complete and sign the A+ Application and forms as instructed below from your student Chromebook. It is recommended that students sign up even if they are planning to go to a four-year college or not going to college. A+ is an opportunity for students to access after high school. It does not obligate them to use the A+ tuition reimbursement.


  • A student graduating with A+ status is eligible for two years of tuition reimbursement to attend any public Missouri community college or vocational/technical school as a full-time student. Tuition reimbursement covers tuition and most fees (subject to state funding approval).
  • An A+ student may be eligible for scholarships from four-year colleges and universities.
  • The tuition reimbursement benefit is available to the A+ student up to four years after high school graduation.
  • Students graduating from a two-year school may be eligible for transfer scholarships to a four-year college or university.
Meghan Forbes / A+ Coordinator / meghan.forbes@lsr7.net
Genevieve Boehm / A+ Office Assistant / 816.986.2034 / genevieve.boehm@lsr7.net

Getting Started

  • Complete and submit ALL four (4) parts of the A+ application: Agreement, Parent Permission, Tutoring/Mentoring Application, and Tutoring Guidelines from your student Chromebook or while logged into your school Google account.

  • Email the Teacher Recommendation link found here to TWO (2) recent teachers and request they recommend you for the A+ Program. The teachers will complete the form and submit it directly to the A+ Office.

  • Once all your paperwork is returned and verified, the A+ Office will email you with instructions on a short training session. When you have completed the training, there is a training exit test on which you must score above an 80%.
  • When you complete the test, and the results are processed with a score of at least 80%, you will be contacted by the A+ Office with detailed information about how to arrange your assignment.



A+ Teacher Recommendation (2 required):


Job Shadowing

Out of District Tutoring



Life Beyond High School. 

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