To get the form for community service, please see Ms. Merritt in the A+/Community Service Office in the library Office #2434 or CLICK HERE for a printable copy.
It is the student’s responsibility to maintain their own community service records.
10 Hours Required For Graduation
All community service projects that are not posted online or by the community service coordinator must be pre-approved.
Community Service is:
Volunteer work for no other credit or monetary compensation
Performed for a non-profit organization
Community Service Hours:
May be completed any time after the start of Freshman year
Must be finished by the end of the Senior year
Community Service Log
Must be signed by a supervisor present at the project location
Must contain completed information
Will not be accepted with a parent’s signature as the supervisor
Projects which benefit charitable, non-profit organizations.
Political campaign activities related to either a candidate or issue election.
Tutoring with teacher or counselor supervision.
Community activities sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Main Street, City of Lee’s Summit, or civic clubs.
Activities sponsored by Music Parents, Booster Club, or the LSHS PTSA.
Hospitals and residential care facilities.
Work one-on-one with students at elementary schools.
Help at non-profit daycare’s, such as those associated with a church.
Lead vacation Bible School, church nursery supervision, participate in summer mission trips.
Any service done as a requirement for court, or one’s participation in any class, club, performance studio or other organization
Any work completed for a for-profit business, even if no pay is received. This included for-profit daycare’s and physician’s offices
Any service done during school hours
Baby-sitting in the home
Home or lawn maintenance
Playing the church organ or piano, singing in the choir, teaching Sunday school, performing maintenance on the church building or grounds
Duties normally performed by school staff, such as bulletin boards, grading, filing, room clean-up and preparation
Keeping statistics or filming athletic events for the sole use of the coach
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