Enrollment Applications

Lshs offers intership programs and publication classes for all LSHS students. Here you can find things for braodcasting, Advanced web design, Newspaper and Yearbook. As well as CCE, Marketing and SBE.

Intership Programs

CCE( Cooperative Career Education)

Career Goal: A career goal not covered by the SBE or Marketing Programs.
Job types: Agriculture, chef/culinary, childcare, construction, cosmetology, drafting, health care, industrial trades, maintenance, mechanic/automotive.
1. Complete the application/interview process.
2. Upon approval, you will enroll in the CCE year long course as well as the CCE internship program.


Career Goal: A marketing Career goal.
Job Types:Advertising/promotions, customer service, fashion merchandising, host/hostess, hotel/motel services, marketing director, public relations, retail/cashier, sales, tourism/travel services, waiter/waitress.
1.Complete the application/interview process.
2.Enroll in Marketing 101, Creative marketing through Entrepreneurship, OR Sports and Enterainment Marketing year long course as well as the marketing internship program.

SBE ( Supervised Business Experience)

Career Goal: A business career goal.
Job Types: Accounting, administrative support, banking, medical or legal office, school administration office.
1. You must complete the application and interview process.
2. Upon approval, enroll in a year long business class such as: Businss Essentials, Avanced Web Design, Business Computer applications 1 and 2, accounting or college accounting and SBE internship program.

Publication Classes


  • Work on professional equipment!
  • Film events using professional equipment!
  • Travel
Tiger Broadcast is the class where YOU are in the driver’s seat!
Find out what we’re all about! Enroll in the intro class!

Hi Life Newspaper

  • Produce the state and local award-winning print magazine, Hi-life News
  • Produce the online site, Hilifenewsmag.com
  • Maintain Hi Life social media sites, such as Instagram and Snapchat
  • Opportunity to earn a Varsity Journalism letter
  • Travel to state and national contests and conferences
  • Press credentials allow special access to events
  • Lab-style class allows students the freedom to choose projects and work in groups
  • Work with professional software and technology, including a Mac Lab, Canon camera equipment and the Adobe Creative Suite
Find out what we’re all about! Enroll in the intro class!

Students who successfully complete Intro to Yearbook or News for Print & Online I will learn the fundamentals of print & online journalism, and be eligible to enroll in the Advanced Staff the following year.


Reasons to join yearbook:
  • Produce the national, state and local award winning Reflector Yearbook
  • Maintain Reflector Yearbook social media sites, such as Instagram and Snapchat
  • Opportunity to earn a Varsity Journalism letter
  • Travel to state and national contests and conferences
  • Press credentials allow special access to events
  • Lab-style class allows students the freedom to choose projects and work in groups
  • Work with professional software and technology, including a Mac Lab, Canon camera equipment and the Adobe Creative Suite
Find out what we’re all about! Enroll in Intro to Yearbook.

Students who successfully complete Intro to Yearbook or News for Print & Online I will learn the fundamentals of print & online journalism, and be eligible to enroll in the Advanced Staff the following year.

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Lee's Summit High School | All Rights Reserved. This site contains links to outside sources. The Lee's Summit R-7 School District is not responsible for any content housed/published on those sites. The Lee's Summit High School Advanced Web Design Team creates and maintains portions of this website.